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Zasnovali smo najbolj izjemen kuharski kuhinjski nož, kar jih je svet kdaj videl. Ljudje po vsem svetu so zahtevali poseben nož z boljšim nadzorom in ravnotežjem in mi smo ga zagotovili.
Haarko knife features a precision, laser-carved index finger hole for superior control. The blade is comprised of traditional Japanese steel ensuring a sharp, quality knife for the years to come. Premium beech wood handle is probably the most comfortable and secure handle ever created.
Leta 1868 je bilo samurajem prepovedano nositi meče. Kot odgovor na to so mečevalci svoje znanje preusmerili v nože. Japonski kuhinjski noži Haarko izhajajo iz mogočnih japonskih katan.
Naši kuhinjski noži so skovani iz izjemno kakovostnega nerjavečega jekla, zaradi česar so veliko odpornejši in ostrejši od večine drugih nožev.
Noži Haarko so zaradi številnih možnosti uporabe in neverjetnega ohranjanja rezila idealni tako za profesionalne kuharje kot za kuharske navdušence. Ti kuharski noži v japonskem slogu vam bodo delali družbo še zelo dolgo.
Vsi noži so izjemno ostri. So povsem uravnoteženi, zato je držanje nožev izjemno udobno. Rezanje med kuhanjem še nikoli ni bilo tako zabavno.
Each and every detail has been meticulously checked and taken into account. Haarko provides you with the best quality knives inspired by the best Japanese knife making techniques!
The handles consist of high quality Beech Wood. This is a type of hard wood with a characteristic dark texture, creating a perfect grip.
Santoku knives were invented in Japan back in the 1950s as a fusion of traditional Japanese chopping knives and the modern western chef knives. Haarko santoku knives are designed to be the best of both worlds!
Vsak nož Haarko je skrbno izdelan po 138-stopenjskem postopku in je pred vsako pošiljko strogo preizkušen.
noži Haarko so nastali zaradi strasti do umetnosti kuhanja. Želeli smo narediti revolucijo na trgu, saj smo prvi ustvarili specializiran kuhinjski nož z edinstvenim rezilom.
Tradicionalne japonske tehnike izdelave nožev v kombinaciji s sodobnim pristopom so pripeljale do tega čudovitega noža Haarko santoku.
Nekateri noži so ostri, vendar je njihova cena krhkost in nagnjenost k praskanju in oksidaciji.
We believe real kitchen chef should never have such problems. Haarko knife is extremely sturdy and sharp. Quality stainless steel and beech handle guarantees great performance.
I was needing at least one good knife & based on the reviews this knife received, I decided to give it a try. I’m so glad I did. It did not disappoint. This knife is super sharp & makes cutting & chopping a breeze.
The Haarko looks, feels and performs so well. I just love it and can’t imagine using anything else. I already have a Huusk and thought that was pretty exceptional but the Haarko may have the edge as it is easier to use.
I love your knives, they are lovely and sharp, I hand wash them, let them dry then put them back in the box they came in. I keep them on my kitchen counter where I prepare food, so they are always at hand...
These knives are very very sharp right out of the box, the balance and design are excellent... So far excellent, I'll update my review once an ample time of ownership and use are reached.
I needed a good sharp knife for preparing my meals. Works great and easy to use. So happy with my purchase.
I own another one of your knifes, and love it as well!! Used it for first time last night while cooking on my Blackstone grill … perfect compliment to my cooking tools.